Nepean Bow Hunters
Not affiliated with Penrith City Archers (PCA), Nepean Bow Hunters (NBH) is a branch of the Nepean Hunting Club (NHC). On the 2nd Sunday of the month the group enjoys a friendly meeting and 3D Archery shoot (practice on foam targets) at Penrith City Archer's Field Course.
Enjoyment For All
Many archers are members of both NBH and PCA; taking advantage of all that both Clubs have to offer.
Please note that NBH members do not have the same field and facility privileges as PCA club members.
Safety and protection of the environment are critical to the clubs' success and good standing within the community.
There is a 10 km/hr speed limit for all vehicles. Vehicles must not be parked in pedestrian areas or in areas that would obscure shooting archers.
Fluoro ('blaze orange') hats and armbands are two precautions we ask you to observe in the Field Course.
The PCA Field Course
The PCA field course is open to NBH members on designated monthly meets. It is set in natural bushland along South Creek. Stay on marked paths and respect our wildlife and please wear fluro orange armbands, vests and hats while on course.
Responsible hunters respect other people, their environment (flora and fauna) and the potential dangers of archery - passing on this respect to new and young members.
What We Ask Of You
We politely ask NBH and NHC members to be mindful of the following conditions for the safety and enjoyment of members of all clubs at our archery field.
All arrows must have target points. The use of broadheads or any non-target point is strictly prohibited within the Troy Adams Archery Complex.
NBH and NHC members must use their own targets and not PCA target butts.
NBH and NHC members must always sign-in using the QR code on arrival, display there current membership card and PCA guest card.
The Field Course is strictly off-limits outside NBH monthly meets.
Fluro ‘blaze orange’ hats and armbands are required to be worn during designated NBH monthly meets on the Field Course
PCA shooting conventions must be followed. Shoot only from, or in-line with marked (white) shooting lines and only in a southerly direction (towards the railway).
It is recommended that NBH & NHC members practice on the western edge of the field near the ‘Try Archery’ course area. You may also practice on the Clout range in the afternoons.
Please be mindful of PCA activities and note that PCA members have priority of the field.
Contact us.
For all enquiries regarding NHC and NBH privileges with PCA club, please send us an email.
For more information about Nepean Bow Hunters, please visit their website:
Please note:
As a volunteer organization, please allow a day or so for email responses or call between 8:00 am to 8:00 pm
Troy Adams Archery Field
Lot 2 Werrington Road
Werrington NSW 2747
Phone: 0415 362 052