Weekend Club Shoots
The weekend club shoots are a very friendly affair with just enough competition and helpful advice to improve your archery skills.
Every Saturday & Sunday
(excluding tournament days)
Penrith City Archers host club-level shooting every Saturday and Sunday morning, with practice beginning at 8:30 am and scoring commencing at 9:00 am.
The same round is shot on both days, allowing most archers to complete at least one round over the weekend.
Club Championships
Throughout the year, a number of weekend shoots are designated as Club Championship rounds. These rounds can be found in Archers Diary.
These Club Championship rounds can be shot (most of the time) on either Saturday or Sunday or indeed both. However, if both rounds are shot, only the first round shot on Saturday will be counted toward an archer's championship score.
We encourage all participants to arrive a little early to help setup targets and timing equipment as well as assist packing up the field at the end of the shoot. We also periodically run working bees where members pitch in to help maintain our grounds.
We’re a small community organisation and we welcome archers from all walks of life to enjoy the unique challenges of archery as part of a friendly and helpful community.
Weekend Club Shoot Details
Saturdays and Sundays,
Practice commencing 8:30 am and scoring ends commencing at 9 am
Troy Adams Archery Field
Lot 31 Werrington Rd, Werrington NSW 2747
Please see Archer’s Diary for details of upcoming Club rounds and Club Championship rounds.
For Target Round Definitions, please see guide here
To understand who shoots what round, please see guide here
Contact us.
For all enquiries about Club Championship rounds or weekend club shoots, please send us an email.
Please note:
As a volunteer organization, please allow a day or so for email responses or call between 9:00 am to 5:00 pm
Troy Adams Archery Field
Lot 2 Werrington Road
Werrington NSW 2747
Phone: 0415 362 052